Quality Management System in the BBMRI.pl Consortium: Status Before the Formation of the Polish Biobanking Network
Autorzy publikacji z podkreśleniem autorów z projektu BBMRI.pl | K. Ferdyn, J. Gleńska-Olender, M.Witoń, K. Zagórska, Ł. Kozera, A. Chróścicka, A. Matera-Witkiewicz |
Nazwa czasopisma | Biopreservation and Biobanking |
Rok publikacji | 2019 |
IF czasopisma w czasie publikacji pracy | 1.827 |
Punkty MNiSW w czasie publikacji pracy | 70 |
Streszczenie w j. polskim lub krótki opis pracy | W roku 2017 przeprowadzono wstępne audyty w sześciu polskich instytucjach podczas których przeanalizowano 13 głównych obszarów SZJ. Wszystkie audytowane jednostki należą do konsorcjum BBMRI.pl konsorcjum odpowiedzialnego za stworzenie Polskiej Sieci Biobanków w ramach europejskiej infrastruktury BBMRI-ERIC. Każdy z audytów został zakończony raportem zawierającym rekomendacje do dalszego doskonalenia systemu jakości.
Streszczenie w j. angielskim lub krótki opis pracy | Many types of biomedical research projects depend on high-quality biological material with a data set attached. The Quality Management System (QMS) is focused on operational standards for all organizational activities to ensure that the described quality of each procedure, product, or service is guaranteed. The implementation of the QMS is necessary for the provision of both high quality and repeatability of processes in research laboratories. The current status of implementation of the QMS is determined according to the „Organisation of Polish Biobanking Network” within the project „Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC” supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education-decision number DIR/WK/2017/01. According to the above, preliminary audits in six Polish institutions were conducted and reports with recommendations concerning the implementation and improvement of the QMS in Polish biobanks were prepared. During all audits, 13 QMS main areas were analyzed. All audited units belong to the BBMRI.pl consortium, which is responsible for the creation of the Polish Biobanking Network within the BBMRI-ERIC structure. Among all 13 analyzed areas, 27 deviations were identified. Eleven of them were implemented in all audited biobanks but defined as the areas for improvement, 16 of them were not implemented correctly or not implemented at all, respectively (areas underlined to corrective procedures).
Link do publikacji | Quality Management System in the BBMRI.pl Consortium: Status Before the Formation of the Polish Biobanking Network
DOI | 10.1089/bio.2018.0127 |