Mitochondrial DNA variability of the Polish population
Autorzy publikacji z podkreśleniem autorów z projektu | Jarczak J., Grochowalski Ł., Marciniak B., Lach J., Słomka M., Sobalska-Kwapis M., Lorkiewicz W., Pułaski Ł, Strapagiel D. |
Nazwa czasopisma | European Journal of Human Genetics |
Rok publikacji | 2019 |
IF czasopisma w czasie publikacji pracy | 4,246 |
Punkty MNiSW w czasie publikacji pracy | 100 |
Streszczenie w j. angielskim lub krótki opis pracy | The aim of the present study was to define the mtDNA variability of Polish population and to visualize the genetic relations between Poles. For the first time, the study of Polish population was conducted on such a large number of individuals (5852) representing administrative units of both levels of local administration in Poland (voivodeships and counties). Additionally, clustering was used as a method of population subdivision. Performed genetic analysis, included FST, MDS plot, AMOVA and SAMOVA. Haplogroups were classified and their geographical distribution was visualized using surface interpolation maps. Results of the present study showed that Poles are characterized by the main West Eurasian mtDNA haplogroups. Furthermore, the level of differentiation within the Polish population was quite low but the existing genetic differences could be explained well with geographic distances. This may lead to a conclusion that Poles can be considered as genetically homogenous but with slight differences, highlighted at the regional level. Some patterns of variability were observed and could be explained by the history of demographic processes in Poland such as resettlements and migrations of women or relatively weaker urbanisation and higher rural population retention of some regions.
Link do publikacji | Mitochondrial DNA variability of the Polish population
DOI | 10.1038/s41431-019-0381-x |